Welcome to Sierra Azul Nursery & Gardens
Source for beneficial, edible, and drought tolerant and exotic plants with a 2 acre demonstration and sculpture garden.
Sierra Azul Nursery and Gardens specializes in plants and gardens for California’s Mediterranean climate. Our goal is to promote the aesthetic use of Mediterranean climate adapted plants in water-conserving gardens and landscapes. This includes edibles, fruit trees, and plants for shade gardens.
Sierra Azul Nursery is a retail plant nursery specializing in Mediterranean plants from around the world. Our nursery includes a propagation based growing grounds and two acres of demonstration gardens featuring mature plants in a garden setting, accented by sculptures from local artists. Be sure to check out our special sales, and the workshops, classes, and events we host.
Sierra Azul Nursery and Gardens holds a vision of the garden as a place to link with the natural world and its many wonderful contrasting elements. We hope to share our vision with you. Come visit the rich, aesthetic, physical world of Sierra Azul Gardens.
Winter News
Bare Root Fruit Trees are in!

We’ve received our shipment of bare root fruit trees from Dave Wilson Nursery and they are ready to go home with you! We have varieties of apples, apricots, apriums, plums, pluots, persimmons, cherries, persimmons, peaches, nectarines, and Persian mulberries. Feel free to email or call with any questions about inventory!
Prices start at $38.99 – No tax!
Special Winter Hours

Nursery & Garden
CLOSED Wednesdays
December – February

This Fall and Winter, we’ve had a handful of Western Bluebirds flocking around the nursery. Here are a few checking out the birdhouse sculpture in the nursery. It’s too early for nesting so it seems they were just using it as a perch. Outside of nesting season, they are known to be social birds and will forage for berries and insects together. Between them and the Robins, the grapes from the Roger’s Red grape bordering the nursery were completely devoured this Fall.
Potted Edibles in Stock!

We have a nice selection of varieties of raspberries, blackberries (including ollalie berries), blueberries, pomegranates, figs, and grapes. Get your edible garden started, keep adding to your collection, or share the gift of growing your own fruit at home with your favorite gardener in the family.
Prices start at $14.99 – No tax!
Featured Plants
Helleborus Frost Kiss ‘Moondance’ and ‘Anna’s Red’

These Frost Kiss hellebores are a great choice winter color in a cool sun or part shade area where the flower show will continue into Spring! Cold hardy, low maintenance, deer-resistant, and drought-tolerant once established.
Available in 2-gallons.
Janice Seedless Kadota Fig

A ‘white’ fig. Large, sweet, delicious, light greenish-yellow fruit with practically no seeds. Prolonged harvest. Suited to coastal and inland climates. Prune to any shape. 100 chill hours. Self-fruitful.
Emerald Blueberry

Produces abundant clusters of large to very large berries with tasty, balanced sweet flavor. Very productive and highly rated. Zones 7-10. Self-fruitful. Estimated at 250 chill hours or less.
Descriptions and images from Dave Wilson Nursery
Current Sales
Lavender, Herbs, Salvias, and Succulents!
20% Off (1-gallons & larger)
Parking Lot Sale – 30-60% off
New varieties every week, fresh from our growing grounds. Many great plants including perennials, grasses, succulents, and shrubs!